APP ANTICIPATE SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND LABOR MOBYNGCreation of an APP with content and services aimed at contributing to solve the social problem of Sexual Harassment at Work and Bullyng LaborThe current society is going through a complicated moment, where violence towards more vulnerable sectors of this, will mark future generations, violence itself must be treated in a multidisciplinary manner.Sexual Work Harassment and Bullyng Labora, is an unwanted behavior or conduct that directly threatens the rights and integrity of workers, so that from the institutions and based on the prevention of occupational hazards, protocols should be established and guidelines based on current legislation.To enable this information and training service, a multidisciplinary services platform has been created in the field of advice on legal regulations, prevention, training, and risk control by applying information and communication technologies.The APP is multi-language and multi-ethnic so it is easily implantable in other territorial areas, whether they are supra-municipal or regional or national.DescriptionWith this APP EPV, we will have the following tools:Give precise information about general and specific legislation.Guide on types of sexual harassment in the workplace and labor bullyng.Different definitions of occupational sexual harassment and bullyng labor.Information on action protocol.Access an Instant Chat Chat, where workers can consult an expert.Formative platform, which will be available for mobile and web page, we will carry out an offer that will cover the preventive needs and the necessary training, to reduce as far as possible these anti social acts.